
We've got a new prayer resource for you!
SPEAK are long-time supporters of Workshop, a project which provides a course of Christian learning to Churches and individuals who are keen to explore faith in a broad and practical way. Its founder, Noel Moules, has taken part in SPEAK events in the past, and has recently release a book: "Fingerprints of Fire, Footprints of Peace". Former SPEAK director Jo Frew reviews it here...
On Thursday 14th June, Indonesian police gunned down Mako Tabuni, secretary-general of the KNPB (West Papua National Committee); triggering violent riots in Jayapura. Hannah Kitchen, a member of Edinburgh SPEAK group (long supporters of the Free West Papua Campaign) has written a short prayer for us to reflect on the chaos:
We would be really grateful for your prayer support, and have drawn up some monthly prayer points that can be used individually or with your local SPEAK group.
SPEAK has collected a selection of prayers you may wish to use, whilst praying about the issue of tax justice.
Riots spread across the country in August causing untold suffering to families, businesses and communities. We need to stand together as a Network in solidarity and in prayer and action with those suffering.
SPEAK values prayer as a part of our action on behalf of the poor and oppressed worldwide. See how you can get involved!
Sometimes we can get overwhelmed with the huge task of “bringing good news to the poor” and building peace and justice in this fallen world. But God wants us to work with him not for him.